WDLS WED: because grey muffins are good for you.

About The Knitting Cinephile

I'm obsessed with good yarn, bad movies, and the Hubster.
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4 Responses to WDLS WED: because grey muffins are good for you.

  1. poolagirl says:

    Must be blended blueberry – but oh GOD they are ugly!


  2. artgnome says:

    wow. it looks like they are pouring concrete! yummay.


  3. awittykitty says:

    Since starting art classes I even KNOW what monochromatic means. Although looking at the photo I don’t think its “MMMmmm, mmmm, good” in that case!


  4. golfwidow says:

    That IS what blended blueberry muffin batter looks like. It tastes better than that, but I would just as soon have corn muffins, which also taste good and are sunshiny and yellow.

    Why didn’t their marketing people use corn muffin batter to sell their funnel pitcher?


Let me know what you REALLY think!